Long Road, Right Decision

 Long Road, Right Decision

Have you ever scrolled for what feels like an eternity on Netflix trying to find the right show? After scrolling, you eventually settle on something, and then you become super invested in it? That is how I felt during this process of getting to Prairie View. Essentially it was a lot of work to get here, it felt endless, and honestly, extremely tiring. However, I persevered and now I realize that all the work done was worth the reward.

The before...

I'm a traveler. I speak in the present tense as to create the life I want, but that's essentially what I want to do with my life. Waiting until I am in my 60s and retired isn't in my plans, so NSE was a stepping stone for me. Traveling won't always have company and learning to be alone while learning to appreciate it is something I desired moving away. I'm expecting growth and welcoming all that comes my way as I am ready to transform.

Transforming wasn't the only reason I choose to participate in the NSE program. The school had a lot to do with it as well. Even before I got to the University of South Carolina, I wanted to go to a HBCU. That was more than 2 years ago when I was applying to colleges and I was dead set on North Carolina A&T. As we can see, that didn't work out but the desire never left. The NSE program gave me that opportunity and in the way that benefited me the most by allowing me to keep my scholarships, including my in-state awards. I can't think of a more harmonious way to do this.

The during...

Applying was simple, from what I remember. However, the journey to come was something, nothing could've prepared me for. Getting housing and registering for classes were hands down the most difficult thing I've done since being in college. I was calling housing here at Prairie View almost everyday while simultaneously spending hours trying to get my courses submitted to USC for approval during my exchange. I'm so glad I didn't work this summer because that process alone exhausted me. I couldn't imagine punching a clock on top of that. 

About leaving, I'm not sure if I didn't process it or over-processed it because I wasn't scared to go. I knew I'd miss my friends and family, I knew it would be a big change, but the tight stomach never came. Neither did the sadness and if I questioned my decision, that left as quickly as it came. 

Getting here was a shot in the dark. My family of four got into my Kia Optima a few days before move-in and drove it to New Orleans so we could have a "vacation" stop on our way to Texas. However, I hadn't even had orientation or did I really know what was required to move-in. That is as much in the dark as it gets. Luckily, social media and the people I messaged on there took care of that for me. Albeit it was a close call, it got done nevertheless and I was able to move in.

The after...

The after is that I am now here. I am with my wonderful roommate who cooks for me and who I laugh with all the time. I have met some of the people I talked to on Twitter in real life and became friends. My classes were easy to find and the walk is not nearly as bad as the ones on USC's campus. I can confidently say that this was the right choice. It's a beautiful campus and although it is very country, as I have already seen a pasture, I get more excited with each passing day to see all that it has to offer. 

As the road was long and the rain poured on my, I got to see a rainbow. Like I was told, I'm in bliss right now and I will ride it out as long as and far as it will take me.


  1. It is so great to hear that the journey was worth it. I'm so glad that you are enjoying your time in Texas. Sometimes I wish the walk to classes here at UofSC was a little easier. It is not fun when its 95 degrees out and you have to walk in the sun for a mile and a half up hill. Is there anything specific you are really looking forward to trying or experiencing while you are there?


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